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Sam Turner (stmio)


I'm Sam, a student from the West Midlands, UK, currently studying for my A-levels. In my spare time, I enjoy building and contributing to cool tech.

My main interest lies in Computer Science and its overlap with the natural sciences and mathematics. CS can be used as a gateway to solving challenging problems in science, using tools such as Machine Learning.

Recently, I have been exploring Machine Learning in Python while working on a Raspberry Pi weather station, which feeds its data to an ML model so it can predict tomorrow morning's weather. In the past, I have built projects with Python, JavaScript and C#. I'm also currently learning Rust. Sometimes, I write about these projects in blog posts on this website!

Have a look at this short list of my most recent blog posts:

You can browse all posts in the archive, or sort by tag.

If you would like to contact me, please send me a message on Twitter or through LinkedIn. I do not have a public email address at the moment, but you will find it here when I have one!